Wednesday, September 15, 2010


So I found out today that at the end of the month we will be taking a boat to Burma to visit some villages! The guy that we met up in Chaing Mai, Ray, is pretty legit he has been living in Thailand for the past 4 years with his wife and daughter doing alot of different types of outreach ministries.  He mostly works in the villages on the outskirts of Chaing Mai.  Something Isaac might be stoked about is that the river we will be taking is the Salween River separating Burma and Thailand. Which is the river where they made Rambo.  The one thing that might stop us is when we get to the border and the military wont let us in. But that is up to God if He wants us in Burma or not. Pretty dang excited though! But good news is that i will have internet access for the next couple of days before we head to the villages. 

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